Mitchell Powered Parachutes, LLC

Sandy Mitchell, CFI

1978 North 5000 East

Sugar City, Idaho 83448



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Powered Parachute Training

Hi, I’m Robby Denning.  I’m the Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) for Sandy Mitchell of Mitchell Powered Parachutes.

I started my training in 2006 under Sandy.  I’ve accumulated nearly 200 hours in the air since then, finally earning my CFI in 2009.  I completed my CFI training under Dennis Stanley of Bonneville Skybase in Salt Lake City, Utah.  It’s been a great experience all the way through!


Between Sandy as a supervising CFI with over 20 years flying and teaching experience, and myself, we can offer you safe, effective flight training right here in Eastern Idaho.  We’ve trained hundreds of pilots here at Mitchell’s PPC.

Due to the new laws surrounding Sport Pilot Training, some of the regulation surrounding flying powered parachutes (PPC) can be intimidating and confusing, even to me!  However, rest assured we can help you navigate the course to safely and legally fly a PPC. 



All Flight Training, on the ground and in air, runs $60 per hour.

For the ground training, you can split this cost with other pilots.

The number of hours you’ll need depends on you and your goals.

Because of all the different options to fly, we really need to consult with you personally to explain all of them.  

If you want to go all the way to earning your Sport Pilot certificate, you can plan on about a $1,000 to $2,000 commitment over the course of training.  Some students will spend less than that. 

Remember, too, there are other options to fly without going all the way to Sport Pilot certificate, so if you’re at all interested, contact us so we can explain everything.  Hope to see you in God’s clear blue sky!


Robby Denning

4901 East Iona Road

Idaho Falls, Idaho 83401

